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  • Waterside’s 2nd Birthday!

    Today, we are celebrating the second anniversary of Waterside Centre reopening.

    3 August 2023

  • Duck Race

    Our friends at the Rotary Club of Reading Abbey have asked us to share news of the charity fundraising event they’re running at The Oracle on Saturday 9 September.

    31 July 2023

  • Tilehurst Youth Club

    Thank you to youth worker Jessica for this update!

    31 July 2023

  • Waterside – July 2023

    Kelly told us: “The summer months bring a range of activity to Waterside Centre.

    31 July 2023

  • The Wayz – July 2023

    A real summer of fun at The Ways; the month started brilliantly with the Community Fun Day and Bracknell Together Walk.

    31 July 2023

  • Britwell – July 2023

    Britwell Youth and Community Project’s Summer Holiday Club is running from Monday 24 July– Friday 18 August (daily Monday – Friday), 11am – 3pm.

    31 July 2023

  • Updates from our Flagship Youth Clubs

    Please click on the links below for the latest updates from our flagship youth clubs in Slough, Bracknell and Newbury.

    31 July 2023

  • Youth Development and Community Engagement Update

    The school holidays are now upon us and our summer programmes are in full swing.

    31 July 2023

  • Training News

    Here are our upcoming training courses, including posters.

    31 July 2023

  • Staff Spotlight

    In the last update, we caught up with Abbas, who was celebrating his first year of working at Berkshire Youth.

    31 July 2023

CEO’s Thoughts (January Newsletter)

30 January 2023

January is always a bit of a strange month, the come down from the excitement of Christmas, yet full of hope for what opportunities will await in the year ahead.

For me January is also when I celebrate starting full-time at Berkshire Youth… way back in 2006! As I enter my 18th year, I am so excited to we have some new members of the team – Kerrie and Eliza – and we are still looking for more as our projects and programmes expand.

We have an amazing range of youth work happening across the county, including Tilehurst ‘Kicks’ club receiving a visit from Tom Holmes, as well as the amazing things happening at Waterside Centre, The Wayz and Britwell.

Programmes such as Fit4Youth and our training programmes are available to support projects and programmes.

With the support for young people never more needed, we know that is time of year is often when we start to look for new volunteers – there is some useful advice here and links to our training here.

I was also reflecting that this is the first time since I joined Berkshire Youth that I will be starting a new year without David Seward.

As many of you are aware, David stepped down as CEO back in the autumn. David’s passion for youth work and drive for us all to be more responsible for our young people – creating exciting projects and programmes with safe spaces and trusted adults, created the vision for the Berkshire Youth we know today.

Whilst we formally said goodbye to David before Christmas, we know he will never be a stranger to Berkshire Youth – he’s still involved in many youth projects across the county!

I did want to take this opportunity to publicly say thank you to David for all he has done for Berkshire Youth and the incredible legacy he has created. We have a fab staff team who can drive this organisation forward from the amazing platform you have given us.

On behalf of every young person who is in a better place because of the projects and programmes you enabled, for the spaces to belong and opportunities you gave them. Thank you. Thank you for everything.


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