Our mission is to be the champion of young people in Berkshire, furthering their development and education and enriching their lives through leisure time activities to help them grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved.
We do this by supporting and developing clubs and delivering projects so they can provide the best service for young people in Berkshire and give them the best possible start in life. We ensure that everything we do is sensitive to each local community’s agenda so that we can be a trusted advocate for young people and communities.
Berkshire Youth supports youth leaders and young people aged 10 to 18 through challenging life transitions/events to help them make the right choices, grow resilience and mature as individuals and members of society through:
- Activities to encourage young people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and grow in confidence and self-esteem
- Training for youth workers, volunteers and young people
- Action through volunteering, encouraging young people to take positive action within their own community, involve others in shaping services for young people and to grow into the next generation of leaders
- Club support for the many clubs for young people across Berkshire, including affiliating our members to Ambition and UK Youth
Safeguarding Young People
Berkshire Youth has a duty to work to prevent children and young people from suffering harm. This includes a responsibility for promoting their welfare, and referring them to Children’s Social Care when children and young people are at risk from harm. In the case of young people in particular, there is a specific responsibility to address the risks posed by the behaviour and actions of the young person themselves and to understand and respond to the causes of that behaviour.
A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded here
Comments, Concerns, Complaints and Compliments
We always welcome your feedback – whether it’s positive or negative we would like to know.
If you have any suggestions about how we can improve our services, we would really like to hear from you. Please our contact us with any suggestions that you may have.
Any concerns that you have are often best dealt with when they arise. Therefore we would encourage you to explain your problem to a member of staff in the first instance. In many cases, it should be possible to sort out the problem straight away by talking to the person you have already been dealing with, or perhaps their manager.
If you have not received the level of service that you expect, we want to know about it. This helps us to rectify problems quickly and effectively. We take complaints very seriously and all complaints are treated in confidence. We aim to resolve complaints quickly and fairly and will try to rectify any mistake or misunderstanding straight away. It is helpful if you make a complaint as soon as possible after the event, in order to enable us to investigate the issues effectively. If you wish to make a complaint please download our Complaints Policy here Complaints procedure which contains further details of the complaints process.
At Berkshire Youth, we appreciate how important feedback is and just as we like to know when things go wrong, it is also helpful to know when we are doing things well. This not only helps boost staff morale and motivation, but also allows us to identify which areas are doing better than others. We can then try to replicate that practice across other areas of Berkshire Youth. If you are pleased with the service you have received, please either let the staff know directly or contact our office.
Contact us to learn more about Berkshire Youth.