What we do at Berkshire Youth charity

Berkshire Youth believes that every young person should have access to opportunities to develop skills and raise their aspirations. With local authority funding greatly reduced and activities for young people being lost as a direct result, it is more important than ever to invest in personal development opportunities for staff and young people.

SPLAT is Berkshire Youth’s Sports, Leisure and Activities Team, a mobile unit that travels across Berkshire delivering sports and activities to young people. Berkshire Youth works closely with youth clubs and schools throughout the county to provide a range of events and activities designed to develop and educate the young people through leisure time activities. This mobile provision provides a wide variety of activities, from sports and games to arts and crafts, to our affiliated members throughout the whole of Berkshire.

All SPLAT activities are pre-booked by the organisation and they choose from a varied menu of activities. The activities that the SPLAT team deliver are there to enhance the normal programme of the organisation and support the leaders in varying their activity programme. The needs of the group are ascertained by the SPLAT staff on arrival. They ensure that those involved are gaining the maximum for their particular needs.

Young people engage in a wide range of sports, activities or arts-based activity to develop skills / knowledge and a better understanding of healthy lifestyle options. The SPLAT offer is constantly evolving to ensure that the programme remains relevant to its users. Assessment of SPLAT team members to gauge relevant skills that could enhance the programme is done at recruitment.  SPLAT team meetings also provide opportunity to develop enhancement programmes.


Feedback from club leaders

“Thank you so much, SPLAT made tonight so easy!”

“The sessions are going fantastically and we’re looking forward to this evening.”

©Copyright 2021 Berkshire Youth. Registered charity no. 1106341.
Company limited by guarantee no. 04493501.
Website design by Cream Design